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House of the Golden Scales

Book your guided tour!

With the reconstruction of the House of the Golden Scales (Haus zur Goldenen Waage) as part of the "new" historic district, Frankfurt has regained one of its most beautiful timber-framed buildings from the Renaissance era.

What does the House of the Golden Scales have to do with the Historical Museum?

The city of Frankfurt had already acquired this important 17th century monument in 1899, and in 1913 handed it over to the Historical Museum. On its 50th anniversary in the year 1928, the museum set up an exhibition there, which was on view until 1942. The House of the Golden Scales, along with the majority of Frankfurt's historic district, was destroyed on March 22, 1944, by allied bombing during the Second World War. The house disappeared from the city's landscape - until its detailed reconstruction as part of the Dom-Römer Project.
The Historical Museum has furnished the two upper floors of the front building with furniture, paintings and everyday objects from the 17th and 18th century, as they could have been inhabited by the wealthy merchant family van Hamel, who built the house in 1618. Starting in December 2019, these period rooms can be viewed as part of guided tours. The highlight of any tour is the "Little Belvedere" roof gallery, with its view of the Frankfurt Cathedral and the surrounding rooftops.

Where can I find out more?

A guide book in the series "Showpieces of the Historical Museum" documents the history of the House of the Golden Scales, with numerous illustrations. The guide will be released in mid-December and is available at the museum shop for 8 €.

How do I get into the Golden Scales?

A visit to the House of the Golden Scales is possible only in connection with guided tours. Daily public tours (except Monday) take place at 4 pm and start in the foyer of the Historical Museum. Registration with our visitor service is required for participation. The admission fee is €8/red. €4, with an additional €6 guide fee (ticket includes the permanent exhibitions of the museum). Individual group tours (max. 20 people) can also be booked through the visitor service and cost €220 per group; on weekends/holidays: €240; foreign-language: an additional €10.
The entrances to the House of the Golden Scales are unfortunately not barrier-free.  You have to climb 82 steps to reach the Belvederchen.  The visitor service of the Frankfurt Historical Museum can be reached Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm by telephone at: +49 69 212-35154, or by e-mail at: besucherservice(at)historisches-museum-frankfurt.de.

How long does a tour last?

The guided tours last 90 minutes and meet in the foyer of the Historical Museum at Saalhof. Your first stop is the illuminated "Altstadt-Drama", where you will learn about the eventful history of the Golden Scales in the context of the story of Frankfurt's historic district. From there the tour leads you to the House of the Golden Scales, where there is a wardrobe for jackets, coats and smaller bags. Larger pieces of luggage must be deposited in lockers at the Historical Museum.

Why do I need a guide?

The premises in the Golden Scales can only be visited in connection with public guided tours or privately booked group tours. Because of the many valuable collection objects presented unprotected in the small rooms, our guides are accompanied by supervisory staff. There are no permanent opening hours, and no museum staff on site. The rooms are also not available to be rented out.