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Who makes the museum? And which ideas does the museum pursue? You will find all important background information here.

The guiding principle of the museum

The Historical Museum Frankfurt is the city’s oldest museum, collecting and preserving, researching, conveying and exhibiting Frankfurt's cultural heritage. As a city museum it is a centre of knowledge and critical information, reflection and discussion on the past, present and future of Frankfurt; as a history museum it links local town issues with broader social history.
The museum is open to everyone. Its Young Museum offers opportunities tailored specifically to families and schools. The museum draws upon the wealth of experience and knowledge from Frankfurt’s people and their guests, working in a participatory and inclusive manner. It invites everyone living in the city to participate in the museum as a cultural forum and help shape it. Multiple perspectives and diversity play a central role in this context. The diversity of urban society is reflected in its collections, exhibitions and communication.
Based on current topics of debates, historical objects are scientifically researched and linked to subjective stories and points of view; this includes all relevant artistic, city-researching as well as everyday-life perspectives. Additional museum objectives include expanding and consolidating its digital strategy and its networks within the city and the region.

The museum preserves the cultural heritage of its urban community for future generations. It features extensive collections of art and the history of everyday life, with outstanding inventories at its disposal. The museum team carefully preserves the objects and manages their conservation. Important priorities include the digital documentation and publication of collections, and the researching of provenances.
Our museum team fosters a cooperative and respectful working environment. Together with the colleagues of the Young Museum and the Porcelain Museum, we form a team comprised of diverse expert skills that complement each other and allow for differing views. The museum team is active in international museum networks. We are an open-minded and learning institution: we are curious, work on an interdisciplinary basis, and confront the challenges of a constantly changing urban society.

All permanent and freelance employees, volunteers, city lab participants and others who represent the Historical Museum Frankfurt follow a self-imposed Code of Conduct


The Junges Museum Frankfurt  (Young Museum) shows interactive exhibitions created especially for young people aged 6 to 14. The Porzellan Museum Frankfurt in the Kronberger Haus in Höchst has been presenting around 1,800 Höchst faiences and porcelain since 1994, mainly from the Rococo and Neoclassical periods.

Would you like to volunteer at the Frankfurt Historical Museum? We are pleased about your interest!

Volunteers are engaged in many departments of the Historical Museum. Volunteer positions range from advising in the museum store to assist visitors and events to documentation, research or transciption in the picture archive or in one of the museum's many collections.

The placement of volunteers is coordinated by the Förderverein Historisch-Archäologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt e.V. (HAG) as a measure of museum support. The contact person is Andrea v. Bethmann, a member of the HAG board. The job offers also include voluntary work in the Archaeological Museum and in the HAG with its friends groups "Freunde & Förderer des Historischen Museums" and "Freunde des Archäologischen Museums".

Further information and our current job market can be found here.

Information and further inquiries

Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
T +49 69 212-35154


Dr. Doreen Mölders
+49 69 212-
Susanne Gesser
Deputy Director
+49 69 212-35633

Heidrun Czarnecki
Director's Office
+49 69 212-37773


Karin Berrío
Head of Communications
+49 69 212-37776


Noah Frederik Nätscher
Scientific Volunteer
+49 69 212-35961

Management Team

Dr. Doreen Mölders (Director) 
Susanne Gesser (
Deputy Director/Head of Mediation and Participation/Head of the Young Museum)
Prof. Dr. Nina Gorgus (Head of Collection and Research)
Dr. Dorothee Linnemann (Head of Documentation and Restoration)
N.N. (Head of Administration and Operations)

By clicking on the arrows you will get a list of other staff members of the museum.


Mediation and Participation Department

Susanne Gesser
Deputy Director
Head of Mediation and Participation
Head of Young Museum
+49 69 212-35633


Lisa Brackmann
Mediation and Exhibitions Young Museum

+49 69 212-34630

Martina Dehlinger
Mediation and Exhibitions Young Museum
+49 69 212-48785

Laura Hollingshaus
Mediation and Outreach Young Museum
+49 69 212-32936


Dr. Angela Jannelli
Library of Generations, CityLab
+49 69 212-33814


Konstantin Lannert
Bolongaro Museum Höchst
+49 69 212-47775


Carolina Maddè
Exhibition and Event Management
+49 69 212-31672
Tanja Martinho Alves
Ksenia Ivanova
Visitor Service
+49 69 212-35154 (Mon – Fri: 10.00 – 16.00)


Dr. Franziska Mucha
Digital Museum Practice
+49 69 212-42069


Juliane Phieler
Education and Mediation
+49 69 212-34611

Elisa Schifferens
Scientific Volunteer
Mediation and Participation
+49 69 212-33832

Collection and Research Department

Prof. Dr. Nina Gorgus
Head of Collection and Research
Collections everyday culture and household II (from 1880), toys, childhood and youth culture
+49 69 212-46550


Dr. Victoria Asschenfeldt
Collections fashion and textiles, jewellery, furnisher, historical musical instruments
+49 69 212-35487

Christina Bach
Collections of numismatics, militaria, technology and industry, models
(Interim sculptures)
+49 69 212-34499

Dr. Dorothee Linnemann
Collections graphic arts, photography, media and communication
(Interim paintings collection)
+49 69 212-36443


Sarah Roller
Scientific Volunteer
Collection and research
+49 69 212-30698

Patricia Stahl
Head of Porcelain Museum in Kronberger House
Collections everyday culture and household I (until 1880), crafts and trades
+49 69 212-45474


Dr. Felix Schürmann
Research assistant (colonial history)
+49 69 212-31070

Documentation and Restoration Department

Dr. Dorothee Linnemann
Interim Head of Documentation and Restoration
+49 69 212-36443


Sonja Brandt
Restauration paper, graphics, leather, parchment
+49 69 212-34405


Anja Damaschke
Restauration paintings
+49 69 212-34740


Beate Dannhorn
Registrar, picture archive
+49 69 212-30596


Manuel Dold
+49 69 212-36181

Dominik Gransow
IT Administration
+49 69 212-34467


Verena Grande
Restauration paper and graphics
+49 69 212-37774


Heike Heilmann
Restoration of paper and graphics, archive and library materials
+49 69 212-44195

Sabine Lorenz
Restoration of arts and crafts, technical cultural assets
+49 69 212-36881


Christoph Wenzel
Restoration furniture and wood
+49 69 212-35984


Administration and Operations Department

Barbara Langfeld
Head of Administration and Operations (currently absent)

Fabiano Catanzaro
Building services and museum craftsmen's service
+49 69 212-71376
+49 175 7398701

Sascha Erbes
Ordering, accounting
+49 69 212-34274

Peter Fischer
Building services and museum craftsmen's service
+49 69 212-71376
+49 160 4786928

Christof Gold
Building services and museum craftsmen's service
+49 69 212-31358
+49 175 9305153


Willi Gubanek
Head of building services and museum craftsmen's service
+49 69 212-34586
+49 160 7187591


Irma Hoog-Kramar
Ordering, accounting
+49 69 212-47752


Dirk Oetzel
Museum guard

Krasimira Peneva
Reception and cash-desk

Sandra Täuber
Supervision and cash-desk
+49 69 212-35599

Anja Tesch
Ordering, accounting
+49 69 212-33370


Freunde & Förderer

Reinhard Fröhlich
Board of Directors F&F
+49 69 212-47190


Gerhard Schleiden
Deputy Board Member F&F, Office
+49 69 12-47190
