Film the city!
City Lab 2017
Here you can see the seven films that were made in the CityLab between January and August 2017. They show which sides of the city were important to the CityLab participants and how they experienced Frankfurt.
Break On Through (To The Other Side)
Jens Best, Michaela Büttner
Jens Best, Michaela Büttner
Bunt im Grün
Michaela Heidlas-May, Nicole Wächtler, Pia Grambart-Delalic
Michaela Heidlas-May, Nicole Wächtler, Pia Grambart-Delalic
Hoch die Häusjer!
Hubert Gloss
Hubert Gloss
Klang der Stadt
Irene Kubisch, Jutta Dahm
Irene Kubisch, Jutta Dahm
Liebe Nachbarn
Betina Belli Maliska, Jannis Plastargias, Katharina Müller
Betina Belli Maliska, Jannis Plastargias, Katharina Müller
Panta Rhei: Alles fliesst
Winfried Hofmann-Jarczyk, Gudrun Jarczyk
Winfried Hofmann-Jarczyk, Gudrun Jarczyk
Wo die Grüne Soße wohnt
Sybille Fuchs
Sybille Fuchs