One of Each – Digital
The artwork „One of Each“ by Frankfurt-based artist Karsten Bott contains 1.492 objects of everyday culture. He sorts them by subjects and themes and arranges them in 45 shelves, filling a whole wall in the museum’s permanent exhibition „Frankfurt Once?“, where these objects of present everyday life are juxtaposed against historical objects of Frankfurt’s history. Since October 2021, the artwork can be accessed via a media station in the exhibition space and online through an interactive web site. Users are invited to share their stories connected to the objects in form of texts, memories, pictures and videos. Join in!
Funded by
The project was developed as part of dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme. With the programme, the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to support and motivate cultural institutions nationwide to respond to the pandemic situation with innovative digtial dialogue and exchange formats. As on of 68 selected projects, "Von Jedem Eins – Digital", which is being developed in collaboration with the contemporary Frankfurt artist Karsten Bott, was able to assert itself among 564 valid funding applications received. The projects were selected by the board of the Federal Cultural Foundation on the recommendation of an independent jury of experts.