Download material
At a glance: All educational materials for independent visits to the exhibitions and further information for teachers. Find the available material on the german version of this site.
When visiting with larger groups, please remember to register at the visitor service 14 days in advance.
Multimedia guides
Here you can find the multimedia guides for independent visits to the permanent exhibitions: Multimedia guide
The Historical Museum offers multimedia guides in English on the following topics:
Multiperspectivity in the museum.
The multimedia guide can be used with your own smartphone or a lending device. Borrowing is free of charge for children and young people up to the age of 18.
Multimedia guide 14+ in the current special exhibition
(for people over 14 years, unfortunately only available in German)
A Multimedia Guide 14+ (MMG14+) is created for each special exhibition, which introduces young visitors to the exhibition and contains special, interactive elements.
Multimedia guide in the current special exhibition
(in English)
MMG "A City Joins in"
MMG14+ in the online exhibitions
(for people over 14 years, unfortunately only available in German)
MMG14+ in the online CityLab exhibition "Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst. Rassismus, Widerstand und Empowerment"
MMG14+ in the online exhibition "Die Stadt und das Grün - Frankfurter Gartenlust"
MMG14+ in the special exhibition of the Young Museum "Dagegen! Dafür?"
Tourguides booklets
Tourguide booklets for independent visits to the permanent exhibitions available for download:
Highlight-Tour. The entire museum in 90 minutes
Frankfurt 33-45 The city and National Socialism
Frankfurt. City of Women
Frankfurt on the move. A city with a migration history
Family Tour Frankfurt Once?
Family Tour Collectors' Museum
„Schule im Museum“
Our twice-yearly newsletter provides you with an overview of the upcoming exhibitions at the Historical Museum, the CityLab and the Young Museum, the educational programs that accompany them, as well as an overview of dates and the program of continuing education courses for teachers.
Unfortunately only available in German.
Do you know Frankfurt?
New material for elementary school,
local history lessons (3rd/4th grade)
Unfortunately only available in German.